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George F. Hamel, Jr.
Port Royal, Naples, FL

Dear Chris:

This is just a quick note of thanks while the feeling is still fresh in my mind about the wonderful job you and your team did on the “minor” renovation of our home in Port Royal. Pam and I were blown away when we arrived for Thanksgiving – it exceeded our expectations, and as you know, we had high expectations! Our kids were similarly impressed – they’ve seen our many projects in various locales over the years but it was unanimous that this one is the best (and take it from me, they’re a tough crowd to please).

What really stands out in my mind was your responsiveness and communication throughout the lengthly process. Given that it was a renovation done from afar at our end, it was imperative for Pam and me to have complete trust and confidence in you and your team. The final result is a testament that one can still find top-notch high caliber people to work with, establish parameters in advance, and trust that when inevitably faced with difficult decisions and empowered to act, the contractor or his representative will choose the right course and deliver a top quality project. In every other project that we’ve done over the years, the end of the project has always coincided with contractor fatigue – where both parties are happy to be rid of each other.

In this instance, it is the exact opposite. We’ll miss the regular communication, corny jokes, and willingness to happily work on our behalf that you and your team brought to our evolving project every day. Instead of vowing never to do another project (as we have several times before), the process and final result of this project was so pleasant that I fear that Pam will try to ease her withdrawal with yet another project!

…both Pam and I would be pleased to actively serve as references for you and your team in the future should you allow or want us to. Thanks again for your excellent work on our behalf. We look forward to our growing friendship continuing to blossom over these coming years. Go Badgers!

Best Personal Regards,

George F. Hamel, Jr

Mr. & Mrs. Ned Lautenbach
Port Royal, Naples, FL

Gary Carlson and Carlson Harris Contractors are the best!

Gary was our general contractor and builder when building our house in Port Royal in Y2001-2003. It was an absolute delight to work with him. He was on top of everything, no surprises, and as things changed, we sat down with him and resolved quickly. Our decorator told us she had never worked with a builder as accommodating as Gary.

Most importantly, our house was completed on budget and on schedule!

If we were to build another house tomorrow, Gary Carlson would be the builder with whom we would do business.

Gary Carlson’s attitude is “give the buyer what they want, even if the changes are difficult.” Deadlines are met and the quality of work is exceptional.

If you want to build a house–HASSLE FREE–we would highly recommend Gary Carlson and Carlson Harris Contractors.

Ned C. & Cindy Lautenbach

Adam Fueredi, M.D., FACR
Fueredi Radiology, PA Naples, FL

Our association with the Carlson Harris firms spans over many years. Some of the projects were small, some moderately large and the last project consisted of a 21,400 square foot office building construction. Each and every one of the projects were pleasant experiences beginning with planning, actual construction and servicing thereafter. They were always pleasant, professional and timely. Should we have the need for services in the construction field again, I would feel confident to obtain their services and recommend them to my friends.

Adam Fueredi, M.D., FACR

Fergis & Selck Architects, PA
Naples, Florida

Dear Gary:

You have built wonderful projects for us over the years, but the house you built for Steve and Kathy Nichols on Galleon Drive in Port Royal truly is special. You have outdone yourself!

In carrying out some of the detailing in the house we asked for a lot from you. Your work and that of your field people in forging a seamless marriage between the plaster arches and wood trim within them in the living room and gallery was truly special. This kind of work will delight the eyes of the owners for years to come.

In working on the Nichols house with you and your staff, my staff and I have thoroughly enjoyed our professional and cordial relationship. I believe that the house you interpreted from our plans have given Steve and Kathy a truly unique and distinctive house in Naples.


Thomas E. Selck, AIA


Fergis & Selck Architects, PA

Flock & Associates, Architects
Naples, FL

Dear Gary,

We are truly sorry that it has taken us so long to respond. Our difficulty came about from the fact that our relationship with you and your CH family staff has been so enjoyable and fruitful in the past that we were at a loss for the right words to express ourselves.

If you believe the above, try this…! As architects, our greatest appreciation of your skills made us desirous for your input in the earliest stages of design. Your expertise in construction techniques, timing, costs, codes and yes…design critiques…has helped the design team develop cost-effective projects in an elegant and timely manner. We believe our best work was achieved during the period when we were involved with your company and the client from inception to move-in.

Your associates have followed your lead by aspiring to the highest standards of quality. That says a lot, having worked with many design and building professionals over the past forty years. Your enthusiasm, honesty and sense of humor have never been diminished in our relationship over the past twenty years.

Any person or organization would be foolish to not consider using your talents in their future projects…So there!!

Donald E. Flock

Timothy J. Flock

Flock & Associates, Architects • Planners

James W. Rozzi
The Moorings, Naples, FL

Dear Gary:

Sue and I are happy to say that Carlson Harris is the finest general contractor in the Naples area. We purchased our property for the location but also liked the very neglected, existing home.

We were told that Carlson Harris was the contractor whether renovating or doing new construction. We decided to renovate and found not only great construction but also excellent guidance throughout the building process.

However, the best aspect has been the continuing support. Carlson Harris has not forgotten us. Our requests for further work or referrals get prompt professional responses.

We would use Carlson Harris again and we would not hesitate to recommend the company to friends.


Jim & Sue Rozzi

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Stratton
Naples, FL

Carlson Harris General Contractors built our home in Little Harbour. Construction began in November, 2000 and finished in November, 2011 on time and on budget. Everything about our experience was entirely satisfactory. In fact, I have to say that building our house was fun. I particularly remember three things:

Other folks express surprise when we say that our project was completed on time and on budget. I mentioned this to our foreman. He replied that we knew what we wanted, and as a result there were few changes during construction, and none of the changes involved removing something already completed. This made it possible to finish on time and on budget.

Our foreman took great care to minimize the effect of construction on our neighbors and to respond to their concerns. I heard no complaints from neighbors during or after construction. I can not say the same for construction projects in our community since we moved in.

At some point in our association with Carlson Harris, Gary Carlson said that this would be “a lifetime relationship,” and so far that has been true. After ten years we are still relying on Carlson Harris for repairs, maintenance, and just about anything that needs to be done. They not only respond to our requests but also proactively identify things that need or soon will need repair or replacement.

We think we made a very good choice.

Fred Stratton

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Flynn
Port Royal, Naples, FL

I first met Mr. Carlson in July 2001 during our search for a new home in Naples. We had found the perfect house, two years old, which had been originally built by Carlson Harris Construction Co. During the sale process, in full disclosure, the owner informed my wife and I that there was a problem with one of the large windows. It seems that the window manufacturer had not built the windows to specification. Needless to say, we had our concerns about such a problem but we really did like the house.

The owner suggested we meet with Gary Carlson who was the original builder to discuss the plans that they had reached regarding replacement of the defective window. After meeting and talking with Gary, we felt that the window problem would be corrected and went forward with the purchase of the home.

Mr Carlson advised us that he was going to test all of the windows to ensure that there weren’t any other problems. During that inspection, there was another defective window discovered. His advice was that we should allow him to replace all of the windows, at his cost, because he didn’t want to take a chance having future problems develop. To Carlson Harris’ credit, they did replace all of the windows, at their cost, and we have had no further problems.

Approximately eight years later we decided to make a major addition to the lanai area which included adding storm shutters, an outdoor fireplace and many other challenging construction features. Needless to say, we chose Carlson Harris to do the project, which they did in a most professional and thorough manner. My wife and I could not be more pleased with the outcome of the project.

If we have any typical minor maintenance issues, we would call Gary for advice and assistance. We have found through the years, Gary was there to help.

When going through my files I came across a reference letter written in March 2002 for Carlson Harris which I thought may be helpful and to show that  my opinion of their Company hasn’t changed over the years.

In final reference, I would advise anyone considering major construction to choose Carlson Harris if for no other reason than…Gary is there.

Terrance R. Flynn

Andrea Clark Brown, AIA
Andrea Clark Brown Architects PA Naples, FL

I am most pleased to recommend as Contractors, Project Managers, and Project Superintendents, Carlson Harris General Contractors of Naples, Florida, for your upcoming construction project. I have had the opportunity to work with Carlson Harris for over 15 years, on highly challenging, technically sophisticated and elegantly executed projects including recent endeavors.

Problem-solving abilities and project camaraderie rank high among the superior assets of the Carlson Harris Team. … and is considered one of our firm’s most desirable contractors for any ACBA project.

Andrea Clark Brown, AIA

Principal, ACBA, PA

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stuckey
Port Royal, Naples, FL

Dear Gary,

When you get to this point on a project that you have spent two years of your life on, you have mixed emotions. One, we are anxious to move into and enjoy our new home, but two, we will miss the day- to-day interaction with the wonderful people of your company.

The axiom that a company is a reflection of its leadership is certainly true. Carlson Harris is a reflection of your honesty and integrity. At every turn, it seemed that someone from Carlson Harris made sure that it was “done right”. Whether it was Larry working with the subs, Al figuring out some solution to a design problem, or Tony constantly working on the details of organizing the schedule, all of the work was “done right”.

We know that these things don’t happen by accident. The leader sets the tone and gets the right people in the right place. We also know that if the leader wasn’t “right” that quality staff wouldn’t be there.

Gary, you have made our project possible. We had never built a home before and were obviously rank amateurs. We were stumbling along trying to decide on an architect and you had us talk to Frank. We obviously were frustrated with where we were on getting anything put together and you initiated the “cut and paste” action and got things going. You assured us that the project could be completed in nine months when all cynics said it wasn’t possible.

Then through the bidding and construction phases you furnished staff that professionally did their jobs. Through the past two years we have heard you say several times, “when we’re all through with this, I want us to still be friends.” For all you have done for us, we would be hard pressed to have a better friend!

Thank you for all that you have done.


Kathy and Harold P. Stuckey

Mrs. Joanne Halstead
Moorings, Naples, FL

Dear Gary,

Shame on us for waiting so long to write this letter. From the contacts you have received, you already know how pleased we are with the results of our home. There are undoubtedly a number of good contractors in Naples, but your team must head the list. If someone is looking for a quality construction job with a company who is willing to pay attention to detail, they should certainly consider Carlson Harris…..In total a great job was done in selecting contractors, but more importantly your team kept them responsive to their obligations.

We also appreciated how your team worked so effectively with the architect, landscape architect and designer to give us a home we are very proud of and enjoy more each day. Please extend our thanks to the whole team. Such a good job was done, I doubt we will have a desire to build another home soon, but if we do you can be sure we will call on Carlson Harris.


Joanne L. Halstead

Lindsey Halstead

Mr. Frank Neubek, AIA
Naples, FL

Dear Gary,

Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts in making a project run meticulously, smoothly and in a timely and efficient manner.

The Stratton residence we are doing together promises to follow in the footsteps of the Stuckey residence and all the projects we’ve done together in the past. Projects during which there is much enthusiasm, during which there is much laughter, after which we are all still friends, and after which we are all sorry that it has to end.

I wish you good fortune in your future endeavors and look forward to continue working with you.



Frank L. Neubek, Architect

Dr. & Mrs. Lee Light
Pine Ridge, Naples, FL

Re: Carlson Harris, Inc.

We have worked with Carlson Harris for approximately 20 years. We have found them to be thorough, competent, prompt, and innovative. In our numerous dealings with this company, we have been satisfied with the service. They have always been available even long after the completion of our home in 1982. On several occasions, they have remodeled and repaired both my office and our main home. In addition, they did the total remodeling of our guest house.

My wife and I have great confidence in Carlson Harris. We call them not only for repairs, but also for advice and recommendations regarding home repair. We feel that our relationship with them is more than just business. We can rely on them.

We have no reservations in recommending their services for the building of a custom home, commercial property, or a renovation. Anyone using their service would find them to be highly qualified and reliable. I trust this information would be of benefit to anyone interested using the services of Carlson Harris. For more information, please feel free to contact us personally.


Lee R. Light, M.D.

Eugenia M. Light

Paul Slater
First International Corp. Naples, FL

To Whom it may Concern:

I am pleased to be able to give you  my opinion of Carlson Harris and the Carlson Family.

We have worked with Carlson Harris on several projects over the last 20+ years.

Our first experience was in 1984 when we hired them to remodel our home in Tierra Mar in Pelican Bay.

Based on this experience, we hired them some years later, to build our new home in Georgetown in Pelican Bay.

We also hired them to remodel our home in South Hampton, Long Island, NY,  and in 1996 we hired them again to build a new and  much larger home in Bay Colony Shores in Pelican Bay and also to remodel a Viscaya Villa in Bay Colony.

We have found them to be an excellent contractor who has worked closely with us, not only in construction, but in the pricing and budgeting process.

We continue to use them to assist with managing repairs and maintenance on our home.


Paul Slater

Bonnie Ann Larson
Pelican Bay, Naples, FL

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing to you regarding Carlson Harris General Contractors, Inc. They worked on an extensive and complicated renovation and addition to our home in Naples, Florida in 2008-2009. The were wonderful to work with and have taken good care of us ever since. They delivered on time, the quality of workmanship was extremely high, and they managed the project with care and attention to detail and were always available and open to discuss changes along the way. At the end of the project we were good friends and not everyone can say that! I would highly recommend Carlson Harris without hesitation or reservation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.


Bonnie Larson

David Byron Smith
Naples, FL (Beach)

To Whom it May Concern:

My wife and I moved into our new home at 225 GulfShore Blvd. North a little over eleven years ago. The house was designed by John Dyehouse and built by Carlson Harris General Contractors. We selected Carlson Harris after discussions with several other contractors in the area.

Starting with initial contract negotiations and throughout the construction period, Gary, Ric and the others at Carlson Harris were a joy to work with, as were the subcontractors they brought in. During construction, my wife and I developed a very good relationship with Gary and his group. They were always available and responsive to our questions and needs, and this relationship has continued in the years following completion.

As is normal following completion of a project of this size, and after living in the house for a period of time, there are always items that we wanted changed or needed some additional work, and the Carlson Harris people were, and continue to be, always ready and willing to help.

We couldn’t be happier with our house. It is of exceptional quality and workmanship in every respect, and I am pleased to be able to recommend Carlson Harris for similar projects.


David Smith

Mr. Jon Kukk, AIA
Kukk Architecture & Design, PA Naples, FL

Dear Gary:

We wanted to write a quick thank you letter to you and your staff for all your assistance helping our firm achieve the highest results for our mutual clients.

Kukk Architecture & Design, PA prides itself on providing distinct architecture tailored to our client’s lifestyles within the framework of a strong team relationship. High quality of service and a diligent respect for deadlines are hallmarks of our practice. It is these very same qualities that we find permeating your firm’s attitude and work ethic.

We look forward to each new opportunity to work with you. Each experience has resulted with as much enthusiasm and satisfaction at the housewarming as we all first felt at the beginning of the project.


Jonathan P. Kukk, AIA


Kukk Architecture & Design, PA